Monday, February 21, 2011

The reason for our being......

By Donald A. Perrot

Before you can resolve a problem, you have to define exactly what that problem is, and what caused it to exist.  The problem in question is the lack of use, or even interest in, the Potawatomi language.  It is a problem because the culture of the Potawatomi is defined by its language.  Without the language, the culture of the Potawatomi will become a shell of its former existence.

The language itself has been under tremendous pressure over the past 200 years.  Missionaries, educators, and government officials have promoted American English as the language of choice, and in many cases have caused a disadvantage to those who spoke their native language.  After the Indian Removal Act, the Dawes Act, and the Indian Relocation Act, many Potawatomies have been displaced from their traditional homelands, and removed from their traditional communities where the language and culture could have been learned.  Even on the reservations, the pressure to communicate with the BIA and other agencies has caused English to become the predominant language. 

The Potawatomi people are a sovereign nation consisting of 7 Sovereign US Bands, as well as several Canadian and Mexican bands.  What makes a Sovereign Nation unique?  It is the combination of a distinct language and a distinct culture. 

*  The revitalization of the Potawatomi language will promote Widoktadwen among the Potawatomi people.  Widoktadwen is a unique word to the Potawatomi language, and cannot be translated directly. It implies a sense of unity, togetherness, community, harmony, cooperation, communication, and a shared sense of belonging together.  It is a unique cultural component of the Potawatomi that cannot be defined in English terms. 

*  Through the Language, the Potawatomi people will be able to communicate with each other in their traditional cultural terms.  The Language will instill a sense of pride, a sense of belonging, and hopefully a sense of concern about the future of the Potawatomi people.

*  As English is retained within the community to communicate with the rest of America, the Potawatomi people have a unique opportunity to become a bilingual nation.  It has been proven in study after study that children and adults who are bilingual have an advantage in the American educational system.

*  The Potawatomi language is necessary for the survival of many aspects of traditional spiritual culture and is an important aspect of many Potawatomi ceremonies.  Through the language, the Potawatomi people will have the option to participate in these ceremonies, something that was once discouraged by the dominant society.

Just some thoughts on the Potawatomi language folks.....
Let's keep our language so folks will know who we are, eh?
Don't just be a card carrying Potawatomi, be one who speaks his/her language!

Iw enajomyan ngom......

Nin se Neaseno.

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